Remove people, text or objects from a photo with Inpaint for iOS

Removal of complex shapes and patterns can sometimes be difficult. In these circumstances Inpaint may need a helping hand in making the right decision and selecting the right texture to fill.

Consider the following example with different backgrounds.Inpaint for iOS make quick and easy work of removing people, text or any object from your photo.

Step 1: Load the photo

Load the photo.

You can zoom image if required, just selct "Move" mode and zoom in using pinch gesture.

Zoom image.

Step 2: Mark the person or object you wish to remove

Tap "Select" mode and using the marker simply paint and fill the people, text or objects you wish to remove from your picture.

Select object.

Step 3: Run Processing

Click the "Run" button and you're done! The people, objects or text have been removed from the photo.

Remove object from photo.